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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

Individual Placement Description
Placement Rehabilitation Medicine
Year F1
Region North
Hospital(s) Woodend Hospital, Aberdeen
Main Duties of Placement

2 consultant ward rounds.

1 multidisciplinary case conference.

Case conferences/Discharge meetings.

Admitting and medically managing all patients.

Typical Work Pattern

Provide medical cover for designated ward on week days and bank holidays.

No out of hours cover.

Learning Opportunities

Ward-based teaching.

Video linked grand rounds.

Rehabilitation Department fortnightly clinical meetings.

Weekly X-Ray meeting.


Mandatory FY1 Teaching.

Ward-based teaching.

Clinical meetings and X-Ray meetings.

Unique Selling Points

Working directly with consultants.

Exposure to a wide variety of medical conditions.

Managing complex patients with comorbidities.

Opportunities for work in clinic.

MDT working.

Good trainee feedback.

It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.

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