Can I apply to be placed in a specific area if I have a special requirement?
The pre-allocation process allows some applicants to apply to be pre-allocated to a Foundation School on the grounds of having a requirement to remain in a specific geographical area.
If you need to be in a particular Foundation School location due to your personal circumstances such as caring responsibilities, health reasons or for ongoing educational support to undertake your Foundation Programme, you can apply as part of the main application process via Oriel.
Pre-allocation guidance and application forms are available on the UKFPO website.
What kinds of personal circumstances will be considered?
The criteria for applying to pre-allocation is available on the UKFPO website.
How and when do I apply for pre-allocation?
Guidance available on UKFPO website.
If my application is approved, will I be guaranteed allocation to my first choice of Group?
The Scottish Foundation School aims to accommodate pre-allocation applications to the relevant region (East, North, South-East or West).
Approved applications do not guarantee first choice preference of Group (e.g. E01, N05, S02, W13).
If I am being allocated through pre-allocation, do I still need to rank my Group preferences on Oriel?
Oriel requires you to rank your Group preferences.
- You are required to rank even if you are being allocated viapre-allocation.
- You should rank the same preferences as those you submitted to the Scottish Foundation School by e-mail.
When will I find out my Group allocation?
Group allocation will be released at the same time as other applicants.
Will my pre-allocation be considered in the allocation of my programme?
The pre-allocation process only applies to Group allocation. Once you have been allocated to a Group, your programme will be allocated based upon your PIA.
As part of pre-allocation, the Scottish Foundation School cannot guarantee a specific Group, but we will endeavour to meet your request to be placed in a particular region (East, North, South-East or West).
If your pre-allocation is approved and you are pre-allocated to the Scottish Foundation School using the national process and guidelines, the Scottish Foundation School team will contact you via the email address provided on your Oriel application.
The Scottish Foundation School will ask you to rank your top ten most preferred Groups, your preferences must reflect the information you have given in your application form.
The local Associate Postgraduate Dean for your preferred region will allocate you to a Group based upon the information in your application, your home location, your Group preferences, and the overall Group allocations for applicants approved for pre-allocation.
Applicants approved for pre-allocation are not guaranteed their first choice of Group. Applicants should not contact the local regional teams regarding pre-allocation, this process in managed centrally by the Scottish Foundation School