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Speciality: Medical Microbiology

Programme Description
GMC Reference: SES/451

Medical Microbiology involves a varied and interesting work experience that involves laboratory-based practical work,

clinical liaison, infection control, laboratory management, health protection, research & audit.

At present, there is a joint CCT in Medical Microbiology and Virology that is awarded to trainees after completing the

5 year training programme. The programme follows the curriculum set out by the RCPath ( Year 1

involves training in both Medical Microbiology and Virology at the end of which there is an assessment (year 1).

Thereafter, the rest of training in focused mainly in Medical Microbiology. Trainees are expected to sit Part 1 of

FRCPath examination after approximately 18 months of training. The final FRCPath examination is taken after 4 - 4.5

years of training. The exam includes both written and practical components.

Training in Medical Microbiology in the “East” of Scotland is presently located in Lothian (


Royal Infirmary of

Edinburgh, NHS Lothian



, Western General Hospital, NHS Lothian, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, NHS Lothian, St

John's Hospital, Livingstone, NHS Lothian



)includes rotation to one of either Borders General Hospital, NHS Borders



Victoria Hospital, NHS Fife. The other training centres are Ninewells Hospital, NHS Tayside and Aberdeen Royal

Infirmary, NHS Grampian



. DGH experience can also be gained from attachments to laboratories served by

laboratories in the region. Paediatric microbiology experience can be gained through placements at RHSC in

Edinburgh and in the main teaching hospitals in North and East Scotland.

Training opportunities in reference laboratories including mycobacterial infections, the Scottish


E coli O157 reference

lab and the Scottish laboratory for sexually-transmitted bacterial infections. Trainees also get opportunities to gain experience in other national reference laboratories.

Formal rotation programmes are in place in each deanery offering opportunities to experience infection management

in specialist medical and surgical units.

There are excellent educational opportunities and participation by both consultants and trainees in microbiology in all

the 3 main centres via teleconference. Our journal club programme has been attended by consultants in other

specialties e.g. Infectious Diseases and Intensive Care, and Cardiology.

All the training centres offer excellent opportunities for experience in infection control and prevention.

The departments are involved in laboratory and clinical research in corroboration with local university departments.

Virology training is offered in the specialist Virology centres in the main teaching hospitals.



Research, audit, teaching and management opportunities

Laboratories within Lothian, Borders, Fife, Tayside and Aberdeenshire


In addition to core training at Ninewells, block rotation to Neuropathology in Edinburgh and Paediatric Pathology in Yorkhill in Glasgow are included in the program. These rotations are for one month each.

Regular rotations to Forensic Pathology provide in depth exposure to Autopsy Pathology. This program provides unique opportunities to carry out research in conjunction with our University partners at Dundee and St Andrews. Oral pathology training is also provided on site. A close relationship with the molecular and cytogenetics department encourages trainees to learn the role of avant garde techniques in molecular diagnosis, commensurate with modern pathological practice.

Regular in house teaching is provided in protected time and access to a wide variety of study material is available.

Where is the training delivered?
This programme involves placements in some or all of these Health Boards and hospitals:

Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, 50 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SF, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, St Johns Hospital, Livingston, Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, Borders General Hospital, Melrose

Laboratories within Lothian, Borders, Fife, Tayside and Aberdeenshire

Contacts and Useful Links
Deanery sponsoring programme East of Scotland
Postgraduate Dean
Responsible Associate - GP Director Dr Rhiannon Pugh
Programme Type Deanery based or National: Deanery
Specialty or Sub-specialty: Specialty
Date of GMC recent approval August 2010
Associated Royal College - Faculty
Royal College of Pathologists (web site)
Curriculum and Associated Assessment System
Deanery Administrative Contacts Name: Ashleigh Stewart
Address: The Lister Postgraduate Institute, 11 Hill Square EH8 9DR
Tel: 0131 650 8083
Email: Ashleigh.stewart@nes
Programme Director Name: Dr Pota Kalima
Email: 0131 242 6048/ 6004
Address: Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Quality of Training GMC Trainee Survey Information (2011)

How to Apply

This page was last updated on: 11.01.2021 at 08.58.