Specialty Recruitment Contacts
All Scotland specific enquiries should be made to nationalrecruitment@nes.scot.nhs.uk
Enquiried relating to the recruitment and application process for each specialty should be made to the Lead Recruiter for the specialty, whose contact details can be found below.
Acute Internal Medicine ST4 |
Anaesthetics & ACCS Anaesthetics CT1 |
Anaesthetics ST4 |
Broad Based Training CT1 |
Cardiology ST4 |
england.Recruitment.WX@nhs.net |
Cardiothoracic Surgery ST1 & ST3 |
Chemical Pathology ST3 |
england.medicalrecruitment.em@nhs.net |
Clinical Genetics ST3 |
england.specialtyrecruitment.wm@nhs.net |
Clinical Neurophysiology ST3 | england.specialtyrec.yh@nhs.net |
Clinical Oncology ST3 | London and KSS (LaKSS) Recruitment |
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics ST4 | england.recruitment.eoe@nhs.net |
Clinical Radiology ST1 |
Combined Infection Training ST3 & ST4 |
nationalrecruitment@nes.scot.nhs.uk |
Community Sexual and Reproductive Health ST1 |
england.recruitment.eoe@nhs.net |
Core Psychiatry CT1 |
england.psychiatry.nw@nhs.net |
Core Surgical Training CT1 |
London and KSS (LaKSS) Recruitment |
Dermatology ST3 |
england.specialtyrecruitment.nw@nhs.net |
Diagnostic Neuropathology ST3 | London and KSS (LaKSS) Recruitment |
Emergency Medicine - ACCS CT1/ST1 | London and KSS (LaKSS) Recruitment |
Emergency Medicine ST3 DREEM & ST4 | Health Education England - Yorkshire & Humber |
Endocrinology and Diabetes ST4 | England.SevRecruitment.sw@nhs.net |
Forensic Histopathology ST3 |
nationalrecruitment@nes.scot.nhs.uk |
Gastroenterology ST4 | nationalrecruitment@nes.scot.nhs.uk |
General (Internal) Medicine) ST4 | england.medicalrecruitment.em@nhs.net |
General Practice ST1 |
GPSTP@nes.scot.nhs.uk (Scotland Enquiries) GP National Recruitment Office (UK Enquiries) |
General Surgery ST3 |
London and KSS (LaKSS) Recruitment |
Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) ST4 | england.medicalrecruitment.em@nhs.net |
Geriatric Medicine ST4 | england.specialtyrecruitment.nw@nhs.net |
Haematology ST3 | England.SevRecruitment.sw@nhs.net |
Histopathology ST1 |
London and KSS (LaKSS) Recruitment |
Immunology ST3 |
London and KSS (LaKSS) Recruitment |
Intensive Care Medicine ST3 |
ICM National Recrutiment Office |
Internal Medicine Training / ACCS Internal Medicine CT1 |
IMT National Recruitment Office |
Medical Oncology ST3 | London and KSS (LaKSS) Recruitment |
Medical Ophthalmology ST4 |
England.SevRecruitment.sw@nhs.net |
Neurology ST4 |
england.recruitment.tv@nhs.net |
Neurosurgery ST1 & ST2 |
Nuclear Medicine ST3 |
Please note - nuclear medicine is not participating in the national Physician HST recruitment process but is recruited alongside radiology which is coordinated by London and KSS (LaKSS) Recruitment |
Obstetrics and Gynaecology ST1 & ST3 |
england.obsgyn.nw@nhs.net |
Occupational Medicine ST3 |
London and KSS (LaKSS) Recruitment |
Ophthalmology ST1 & ST3 |
England.SevRecruitment.sw@nhs.net |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery ST1 & ST3 |
England.SevRecruitment.sw@nhs.net |
Otolaryngology (ENT) ST3 |
england.entrec.yh@nhs.net |
Paediatric Cardiology ST4 |
england.PaediatricCardiologyRecruitment.WX@nhs.net |
Paediatric Surgery ST3 | england.paediatricsurgeryrec.yh@nhs.net |
Paediatrics ST1 |
Paediatric National Recruitment Office |
Paediatrics ST3 & ST4 |
Paediatric National Recruitment Office |
Palliative Medicine ST4 |
england.specialtyrecruitment.wm@nhs.net |
Plastic Surgery ST3 | London and KSS (LaKSS) Recruitment |
Psychiatry ST4 (all programmes) | england.psychiatry.nw@nhs.net |
Public Health ST1 | england.medicalrecruitment.em@nhs.net |
Rehabilitation Mecicine ST3 | england.specialtyrecruitment.wm@nhs.net |
Renal Medicine ST4 | england.specialtyrecruitment.nw@nhs.net |
Respiratory Medicine ST4 | England.SevRecruitment.sw@nhs.net |
Rheumatology ST4 | London and KSS (LaKSS) Recruitment |
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery ST1 |
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery ST3 |
england.torec.yh@nhs.net |
Urology ST3 | england.urologyrec.yh@nhs.net |
Vascular Surgery ST3 | London and KSS (LaKSS) Recruitment |