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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

Individual Placement Description
Placement Otolaryngology
Year F2
Region East
Hospital(s) Ninewells Hospital, Dundee
Main Duties of Placement

Ward - Ward rounds, clerk/discharge of elective patients, emergency admissions and basic management of common ENT emergencies (e.g. epistaxis).

Opportunities for theatre/OP clinics if interested.

Typical Work Pattern

Full shifts, ENT ward only.

Learning Opportunities

Ward teaching, clinic/theatre teaching, designated ENT teaching on Tuesday afternoons, radiology meetings, H&N MDT.


Ward teaching, clinic/theatre teaching, designated ENT teaching on Tuesday afternoons, radiology meetings, H&N MDT.

Unique Selling Points

Close liaison with Registrars/Consultants.

Active management of ENT emergencies.

Use of ENT equipment - nasoendoscope.

It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.

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