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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

Individual Placement Description
Placement Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Year F1
Region North
Hospital(s) Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Main Duties of Placement

Each doctor has a specified duty for each week of the rota which aims to give better continuity of care and training. 

The rotas are full shift patterns and comply with the 48 hr EWTD. Most patients are pre- and post-operative elective patients for surgery.

Emergency referrals are mainly seen on the Gynaecology ward for initial review and management planning.

The termination of pregnancy service is based on ward 42 but Foundation doctors are only involved in emergency.

Typical Work Pattern

One week is based with the Gynaecology oncology team, one with the on-call team for emergencies which includes weekend cover, day time and night time cover of the Gynaecology patients and clinics and theatre week for training. 

Annual leave is included in the rota to ensure that all trainees are able to take their leave and access training opportunities. 

Almost all FY competencies can be achieved during this post but trainees are also expected to become competent in pelvic and speculum examination and STI screening.

Learning Opportunities

Thursdays - one hour journal club/their own FY1 teaching.

Fridays - one hour case of the week/junior doctor teaching.

1 hr teaching /week for FY1.

Unique Selling Points
It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.

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