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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

Individual Placement Description
Placement Oncology
Year F2
Region North
Hospital(s) Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Main Duties of Placement

Daily ward round with middle grade and/or consultant. Clerking of emergency and elective patients. Ward duties. 

Typical Work Pattern

Full shift with haematology cross cover out of hours. Night shift cross cover with haematology, stroke unit and medical decants.

Learning Opportunities

Ward-based teaching; daily ward round. Weekly Monday lunchtime meeting. Rota (red days) to attend OP clinics, MDT and radiotherapy planning.


Daily ward round with middle grade or consultant. Clinic, MDT, radiotherapy attendance. Mandatory FY2 teaching programme. Formal departmental FY2/CMT/GPST teaching programme in development.

Unique Selling Points

This attachment gives fantastic exposure to all aspects of Oncology with the addition of formal time allocated for attendance at OP clinics, MDTs and radiotherapy planning. The ward gives broad experience of all cancer types, treatment types and associated complications along with fantastic experience of general medical care, palliative care and end of life care.

It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.

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