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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

Foundation Programmes (F2)

The South-East is a region of the Scottish Foundation School offering a wide variety of training opportunities including inner city opportunities and posts in Edinburgh, Borders and Fife. 


F2 Allocation

Your F2 allocation will take into account your preferences and will ensure a broad range of different specialties are experienced, balancing both the individuals’ training needs and overall allocation of foundation doctors within your Group.

  • You will be given the list of individual F2 posts available within your Group to rank in order of preference
  • Over the two years of Foundation training in the South-East, all foundation doctors will have a minimum of one post in Edinburgh and one post out with the city
  • A maximum of three surgical posts will be permitted over the two-year programme. Surgical posts include general surgery, urology, plastic surgery, otolaryngology, colorectal surgery, cardio-thoracic surgery, vascular surgery, paediatric surgery, trauma and orthopaedic surgery. Emergency medicine and obstetrics and gynaecology are not surgical posts.
  • No repeat posts are permitted e.g. Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Renal Medicine in F1 and F2.
  • You will be given the list of individual F2 posts available within your Group to rank in order of preference.
  • It is likely that you will be allocated one post from the top third of your preferences, one from the middle third and one from the lower third.
  • The main variable determining post availability is the preferences of the other Foundation doctors in your group.
  • For your F2 posts, you are usually asked to submit your ranking preferences around November/December with the F2 allocations are usually announced in February.
  • Your FPD will coordinate this allocation process within your Group. Your FPD will consider your preferences, while ensuring a broad range of different specialties are experienced.  


  • Duncan is allocated to Scotland as his Unit of Application.
  • He ranks his Group preferences and is allocated to S01.
  • He then ranks his Programme preferences and is allocated to S01001 for his F1 year.
  • During F1, he is sent a list of options for F2.
  • These options are still within S01.
  • He ranks his preferences from 1 to 15 and is allocated an individually constructed programme (rotation) in emergency medicine, general practice and general psychiatry for his F2 year.


For all enquiries regarding Foundation Training in Scotland please contact:
