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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

Individual Placement Description
Placement Intensive Care Medicine
Year F1
Region West
Hospital(s) University Hospital Monklands, Airdrie
Main Duties of Placement

Dayshifts in ITU

  • Attend handover
  • Review patients daily, and as required
  • Ward round, tasks and referrals as required
  • Interpret results, prescribe in liaison with consultant
  • Procedures as required
  • Liaise with MDT – pharmacy, ANP, physiotherapy, nursing, medical
  • Update patients and families
Typical Work Pattern

On call is for general medicine.

Learning Opportunities

Organisation and completion of tasks

Recognition of critically ill patient

Scoring/assessing severity of illness

Respond to variety of acute medical emergencies with consultant present

Support of failing organ systems

Management of complex prescribing and polypharmacy

Requesting of appropriate imaging, Interpretation of imaging

Attend ward round and formulate management plans under consultant supervision

Procedures: cannulation, urinary catheterisation, NG tubes, DC cardioversion, arterial lines etc. Central lines as available. Can attend theatre for advanced airway skills.

Liaise with other specialties

Rehabilitation planning

Weekly MDT – case discussion, M&M, QI projects, Datix review


On call (medicine) offers opportunities to clerk in acute unselected general medial admissions, start initial treatment and formulate management plans


Mandatory protected weekly teaching mapped to FY curriculum

Wednesday hospital grand rounds

Weekly ITU MDT

Weekly ITU teaching

Monthly CME (anaesthetics and ITU)

Unique Selling Points

Gain experience in managing acute medical/surgical emergencies while under close supervision.

Plenty of opportunities to learn procedures under direct supervision.

Opportunity to become skilled at basic airway management and an introduction to advanced airway management.

It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.

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