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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

Speciality: Internal Medicine

Programme Description
GMC Reference: EOS4071

Internal Medical Training started in August 2019 with a new three-year programme and revised curriculum. The East region IM training programme follows the JRCPTB suggested structure of having an internal medicine and outpatient clinic focus in years 1 and 2 in addition to critical care experience. The newly introduced year 3 will provide acute medicine experience leading the medical take in both a teaching hospital and district general hospital setting.

The first two years will be split into 6 posts of four months duration, which will provide experience in most major medical specialties.  All rotations will include a placement in geriatrics and critical care.

The IM3 year will involve one 6-month post and two 3-month posts, with a split between specialties and general medicine in Ninewells or Perth Royal Infirmary.  One of the three-month posts will be in the Acute Medical Unit in Ninewells.

The East region offers a monthly half day IMT teaching programme and regular PACES teaching. There are also individual hospital and unit postgraduate meetings in each of the specialties.  Procedural skills training is available in Ninewells Hospital and Forth Valley and all trainees are strongly encouraged to attend simulation skills training.

Training within the Region is trainee focused with attention to individual trainee needs and aspirations. To date trainee responses to national surveys have been positive and continue to show a trend of improvement with increasing numbers of green flags. There are plentiful opportunities to become involved in Research and Quality Improvement Projects. 

Tayside and Forth Valley are beautiful areas to live and work within.  They have varied geography and offer diverse interests for individuals and families, from a thriving city life in Dundee to outdoor activities in Angus, Perthshire, Stirling and North Fife. There are good road and rail networks to the other areas of Scotland. Dundee is within 60-90 minutes by road of Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen.  The quality of life in Tayside is excellent with easy access to beautiful countryside for sport and leisure as well as world-renowned facilities for golf. 

Research, audit, teaching and management opportunities

There are opportunities to undertake and engage in relevant research projects, audit and teaching activities within departments throughout medicine and these activities are supported and encouraged.

Where is the training delivered?
Training is delivered across:

Forth Valley Royal Hospital - FVRH, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Perth Royal Infirmary

This programme involves placements in some or all of these Health Boards and hospitals: 

Forth Valley Royal Hospital - FVRH, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Perth Royal Infirmary

Contacts and Useful Links
Programme Type Deanery based or National: Deanery
Administration office West of Scotland
Lead Dean / Director Professor Adam Hill
Responsible Associate Postgraduate Dean or Assistant Director (GP) Dr Tom Fardon
Specialty or Sub-specialty Specialty or Sub-specialty: Specialty
Date of GMC recent approval August 2010
Associated Royal College - Faculty
Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (web site)
Curriculum and Associated Assessment System
Programme Administrator: Named Programme Administrator: Nicole Smith
Address: NHS Education for Scotland Third Floor 2 Central Quay 89 Hydepark Street Glasgow, G3 8BW
Programme Director Programme Director Name: Dr Nik Rae and Dr Richard Hammond
Address: Ninewells Hospital, DUNDEE DD1 9SY
Email: or
Quality of Training Quality Management

How to Apply

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