Speciality: Paediatrics
GMC Reference: EOS/487
Why choose this programme
There are 4 programs in Scotland providing geographically clustered placements. The programs are geographically based but are nationally coordinated via a training committee with representation from each of the four Deaneries. This ensures that all 4 paediatric training programs in Scotland provide equity of training and a comprehensive package for all trainees. The East of Scotland program offers paediatric specialist training based within the East of Scotland with rotational elements to the South East of Scotland and Larbert
The East of Scotland training programme offers excellent training opportunities whether you aspire to become a general paediatrician or a sub-specialist. It has a proven track record supporting successful application of trainees to the national paediatric subspecialty grid programmes, local grid trainees, future general paediatricians in developing areas of special expertise (SPIN programs) and in supporting trainees’ academic aspirations (SCREDs -Scottish Clinical Research Excellence Development Scheme). The East program is one of the smaller programs in Scotland. Trainees are however highly supported and not just a number. Trainers really know you and support you to get the very best out of training.
Specialty Information
Training in the East of Scotland Paediatric training program is provided in Tayside Children’s Hospital at Ninewells and the University of Dundee , the regional centre for Dundee, Perthshire, Angus and North East Fife, at Forth Valley Royal Hospital, a District General Hospital in Larbert and in placements predominantly within South East Scotland in paediatric intensive care at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children and in neonatology at the Simpson Centre for Reproductive Health in the new Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Rotation between the East and South East Deaneries and across clinical settings, including both hospital and community placements, provides a robust breadth of experience and training opportunities.
The programme has locally supported trainees in national subspecialty grid training within Neonatology, Neurology and Community Child Health. Trainees can undertake SPIN modules in a further broad range of subspecialties in addition to comprehensive training in general paediatrics.
Opportunities for academic fellow/lecturer posts (SCREDS posts), provided in co-operation with the University of Dundee, exist within this program (currently 2 posts) and continue to be developed.
Tayside region has a population of around 400 000, and is rich in history, tradition and culture. Dundee is the principal city, situated on the north bank of the River Tay. Dundee has a wealth of arts and culture including the new V&A museum of art and design. It has wonderful opportunities for outdoor pursuits in the nearby coasts and mountains and it enjoys a dry and sunny climate. It is conveniently near the three other large cities in Scotland – Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen. Good road / rail links exist between Dundee and the other locations in this program with a maximum commuting time of around 1 and a half hours from Dundee. There is a small airport with direct flights to London and Belfast.
Tayside Children’s Hospital and the University Division of Maternal and Child Health Sciences facilities opened in 2006. They are situated on the Ninewells Hospital campus, a purpose-built hospital and medical school complex overlooking the Firth of Tay. The children’s ward includes 42 medical paediatric beds, including a 6 bed high dependency unit and a paediatric surgical area. There is a short stay ambulatory unit, a clinical investigation unit, a paediatric surgical day case ward and a 21 cot level 3 neonatal intensive care unit. There are extensive general and specialist outpatient clinics and a Child Development Centre at Perth Royal Infirmary and a regional Child Development Centre in Kings Cross, Dundee housing community medical teams and therapy staff. Multi-agency safeguarding services for Dundee are based at Seymour House, Kings Cross, a purpose built facility with police, medical and social work staff.
Complimentary DGH level experience is acquired through placements at Forth Valley Royal Hospital(FVRH), Larbert. Forth Valley Royal Hospital has a newly built paediatric ward, a paediatric short stay assessment area a level 2 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and comprehensive Community Child Health services. The subspecialty interests represented in the department include respiratory paediatrics/cystic fibrosis, endocrinology/diabetes, neurology/paediatric headache, child protection & social paediatrics, neurodisability and complex care.
Program Structure:
Level 1 training:
ST1 rotations : 6 months neonates and 6 months acute general paediatrics at Ninewells
ST2 rotations: 6 months neonates and 6 months acute general paediatrics at Ninewells
ST3 rotations: 4 month rotations through NICU/ward 29 and OPD/CIU
Level 2 training:
ST4 and 5 will include a minimum of 6 months in CCH, FVRH (district general), NICU and Acute general paediatrics. NICU rotations are currently available at Ninewells or Edinburgh.
Trainees wishing to have subspecialist exposure for the purpose of GRID application must discuss this with their Educational supervisor and TPD as early as possible so specific arrangements can be made to accommodate this during the ST4/5 years.
Level 3 training: ST6,7 and 8 - there are three options
You are a GRID trainee with a specific GRID program. General and generic paeds competencies will still need to be achieved or maintained but are generally done so through general paediatric on call (maintaining gen paeds) and through the GRID program design ( generic level 3 competencies)
You are Paediatric Trainee pursuing a SPIN module – you are likely to spend 6- 12 months in your SPIN specialty to enable you to achieve the required SPIN competencies. Other subspecialist rotations may be facilitated. Level 3 general paediatric and generic competencies may require an additional rotation to FVRH/ DG
You are a Paediatric Trainee pursuing a CCT in general paediatrics – this is now regarded as a specialty with a designated curriculum and competencies clearly outlined by the college. This will require an additional 6 month rotation through FVRH/DG with enhanced leadership and management roles expected of a senior trainee. Other rotations may include a variety of subspecialties and neonates.
Dundee Medical School has an international reputation for medical education, with a current annual intake of 180 medical students. Child Health is the academic arm of Tayside Children’s Hospital, with the function of delivering and supervising an academic and teaching programme for the University of Dundee and NHS Tayside. Current research interests and opportunities centre on medical education, children’s diabetes, respiratory disease, epilepsy, public health/epidemiology, pharmaco-vigilance and paediatric clinical trials through the Tayside Paediatric Clinical Research Facility, supported by the Tayside Academic Health Sciences Centre and the Scottish Medicines for Children Research Network. There are direct links with the Division of Translational Medicine which has programmes in diabetes, early human development, the molecular basis of cystic fibrosis and health quality, safety & informatics.
Trainees at level 2 (ST4-5) undertake the Postgraduate Certificate in Child Health awarded by Glasgow University. This course is mapped to the level 2 curriculum and is offered to all level 2 trainees. This can be followed by further modules to complete a Postgraduate Diploma or MSc.
Forth Valley Royal Hospital - FVRH, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Perth Royal Infirmary, Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, 50 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SF, Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, Tayside Childrens Hospital, Ninewells
This programme involves placements in some or all of these Health Boards and hospitals:
Tayside Children’s Hospital at Ninewells, Dundee; Forth Valley Royal Hospital - FVRH, Larbert, Perth Royal Infirmary, Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, 50 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SF, Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.
Tayside Children’s Hospital @ Ninewells Hospital & Medical School, Dundee
Forth Valley Royal Infirmary, Larbert
Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh
Simpson’s Centre for Reproductive Health, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh
Community Child Health/ Child Development Centres, NHS Tayside
Child and Family Psychiatry, Centre for Child Health, Dundee
Community Child Health, NHS Forth Valley
Programme Type | Deanery based or National: Deanery |
Administration office | North of Scotland |
Lead Dean / Director | Professor Alan Denison |
Responsible Associate Postgraduate Dean or Assistant Director (GP) | Dr Tom Fardon |
Specialty or Sub-specialty | Specialty or Sub-specialty: Specialty |
Date of GMC recent approval | August 2010 |
Associated Royal College - Faculty |
'Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (web site) |
Curriculum and Associated Assessment System | http://www.rcpch.ac.uk/Training/Competency-Frameworks |
Programme Administrator: |
Named Programme Administrator:
Sima Gafarova
Address: NHS Education for Scotland Forest Grove House Foresterhill Road Aberdeen AB25 2ZP Tel: Email: Sima.Gafarova@nhs.scot |
Programme Director |
Programme Director Name: Dr Joanna Chishlom Address: Dr Joanna Chishlom, Consultant Paediatrician Community Child Health Armitstead Child Development Centre Dundee DD38EA Tel: Email: Joanna.Chisholm@nhs.scot |
Quality of Training | Quality Management |