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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

Speciality: Core Anaesthetics

Programme Description
GMC Reference: NOS/SRT/866

Specialty Information:

Training in Anaesthetics in North of Scotland is provided by NES, through the North of Scotland School of Anaesthesia. Anaesthetists in training will be based in Aberdeen or Inverness.

Training programme is structured to deliver the Royal College of Anaesthetists 2021 Curriculum.

Anaesthetics is a stand-alone training programme, but the training can also be combined with a CCT in Intensive Care Medicine (ICM). For more information on dual training in ICM, prospective candidates are advised to consult the RCoA website.


Aberdeen and Inverness are approximately 100 miles apart and trainees will be located on one site for the three-year core training program. All surgical specialties required to deliver stage 1 anaesthetic training are available at either site. Trainees in Inverness also benefit from a two-week attachment in Aberdeen for additional obstetric experience towards the end of CT1.

The North of Scotland School of Anaesthesia presents an excellent opportunity to complete all of stage 1 training in a single Department of Anaesthesia, allowing trainees to become embedded in the anaesthetic and peri-operative teams.

In Inverness most of the anaesthetic training is provided through the Raigmore hospital site, although some training may take place elsewhere, including in the new National Treatment Centre.

In Aberdeen training is delivered across Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Royal Aberdeen Children’s Hospital, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Woodend Hospital and Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, which are all in close proximity to each other.

Roughly one third of available posts will be located in Inverness and two thirds in Aberdeen. Individual trianee preferences and needs will be taken into account but cannot be guaranteed.

Training Programme:

A full induction program is provided at each site, with focus on clinical experience and activities to support the attainment of the Initial Assessment of Competence requirements in the first six months of training. Subsequent training focusses in gaining skills in the main surgical specialties with a focus on obstetric and paediatric anaesthesia,

All trainees will undertake duties on the out of hours rota, currently at banding level 1A. On-call work covers general theatres, obstetrics, paediatrics, and ICU. There will be immediate, local or distant consultant supervision at all times.

A Primary FRCA teaching program runs at both sites with protected teaching time. Courses available locally to support OSCE exam practice. Trainees are encouraged use study leave for additional courses in line with the Scotland Deanery Study Leave Policy. All trainees have Educational Development Time as recommended by the RCoA, to develop the Generic Professional Capabilities of 2021 Anaesthetics Curriculum.

Trainees will get opportunities to teach in a variety of environments gaining valuable teaching skills. There are excellent clinical skills centres providing simulation-based training at both sites. Trainees will be able to get involved with research and QI projects at both hospitals.

Other information:

Aberdeen is situated on the North Sea coast and is a major port city the oil and gas and emerging energy transition industries. NHS Grampian is one of the main employers in the area and provides primary and secondary care for a large geographic region.

The city has excellent amenities and good transport links with other major cities in the UK and Europe. The city is large enough to have a city buzz but small enough to travel to countryside within minutes. Most trainees reside within a short commute of the hospital, often done on foot or by bike. There are several good schools close to the hospital. Proximity to the Royal Deeside and the Grampian mountains (summer and winter) allows Aberdeen to provide a perfect mix of rural and urban lifestyle choice. There are several family friendly beaches in and around Aberdeen, providing idyllic locations to relax and enjoy.

Inverness sits at the mouth of the River Ness on Scotland’s Moray Firth coastline. It is the capital of the Highlands of Scotland and has excellent facilities for culture, sport, and recreation. It too has good transport links with rest of the UK, making it a popular tourist location. A major attraction of the city is its proximity to the mystical Loch Ness and the rugged mountains of the Scottish Highlands and the Isle of Skye. Many people looking for a good work-life balance choose this city for its location.

Research, audit, teaching and management opportunities

Trainees are provided with Educational Development Time (EDT) during the week. This is at 2 hours fortnightly for Stage 1&2 and 4 hours per week for Stage 3. Trainees are required to discuss use of EDT with their ES and use them to develop all 7 areas of GPC areas required in the Anaesthesia Curriculum 2021.

Academic research is led by Professor Patrice Forget in the Academic department at Aberdeen with involvement from other colleagues who have a research interest. Aberdeen has a very active research portfolio which can be accessed via the Aberdeen Anaesthesia Research Network. The department regularly publishes work in major national and international journals. There are further opportunities to engage with research through the R&D department of NHS Grampian, NHS Highland and the Aberdeen University. The Academic Centre at the Raigmore Hospital also offers opportunities to develop this area of interest.

An active QI group leads several QI projects in both these hospitals. Trainees are encouraged to take part in QI activities both for improving patient care and for meeting curricular requirements.

There are opportunities to engage with clinical governance and management groups in both these hospitals. Senior trainees have representation on some of these committees.

Both Aberdeen and Raigmore Hospital have excellent link with the Aberdeen University. Trainees are encouraged to be involved with teaching, participate in OSCE exams and to support the medical school in other ways.

Where is the training delivered?
Training is delivered across:

Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, Royal Aberdeen Childrens Hospital, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen, Woodend Hospital, Aberdeen, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, Aberdeen

Contacts and Useful Links
Programme Type Deanery based or National: Deanery
Administration office North of Scotland
Lead Dean / Director Professor Adam Hill
Responsible Associate Postgraduate Dean or Assistant Director (GP) Dr Joy Miller
Specialty or Sub-specialty Specialty or Sub-specialty: Specialty
Date of GMC recent approval October 2024
Associated Royal College - Faculty
Royal College of Anaesthetists (web site)
Curriculum and Associated Assessment System
Programme Administrator: Named Programme Administrator: Nicola Caughey
Address: NHS Education for Scotland 2 Central Quay 89 Hydepark Street Glasgow G3 8BW
Programme Director Programme Director Name: Dr Calum McDonald
Address: Consultant Anaesthetist Department of Anaesthetics Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Aberdeen AB25 2ZN tel: 01224 553144
Quality of Training Quality Management

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