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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

Speciality: Geriatric Medicine

Programme Description
GMC Reference: NOS/419

Why choose this programme?

The North of Scotland covers a large geographical area and offers a wide range of urban and rural life choices.  A high quality of life is afforded within the cities of Aberdeen, Elgin and Inverness offering excellent education and a wide range of cultural and leisure activities. The surrounding countryside offers many recreational opportunities (climbing, walking, golf, skiing and surfing to name but a few), which are within easy reach of the city and nearby towns. In studies some of the highest quality of living indices in the UK are found in the North East of Scotland. North East Scotland continues to have a buoyant economy based on the extended economic impact of the oil industry. Transport links are well developed with an excellent rail and airport services.

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Specialty Information

The North of Scotland Deanery offers an exciting training programme designed to accredit to the required competencies in geriatric medicine and internal medicine over 4 years. Most trainees enter at the ST4 level , the programme running to an anticipated CCT at the end of year ST7 .The overall structure of the 4 years is to predominantly be based in geriatric medicine and undertake attachments suitable for meeting Internal Medicine Stage 2 requirements. Most of the period of training will be located in Aberdeen with the expectation of spending time in Elgin and/or Inverness. There is also opportunities to have trainees use Inverness as their main training base with some time spent in Elgin and/or Aberdeen. Whenever possible trainee preferences are accommodated.

 Internal Medicine Stage 2

During the training programme trainees will undertake placements in IM areas which can be based in Aberdeen, Elgin or Inverness as well as having exposure to IM activity which occurs during their Geriatric Medicine placement, for example, Hospital at night or IM/specialty clinic attendance. There will also be experience provided in managing acute unselected medical takes. Placement in Elgin or Inverness for potentially 6-12 months is highly valued, due to the excellent training opportunities. Whenever possible trainee preferences are accommodated.

 Geriatric Medicine

Over the 4 year period there will be exposure to all the keys areas of a proactive and friendly specialist elderly medicine service. This comprises acute and rehabilitation in-patient activity as well experience in clinics, community geriatrics and intermediate care.  During this period there are specific placements in Old Age Psychiatry, Palliative care, and Stroke to meet curriculum requirements.  There are also less intensive attachments to Orthogeriatrics, Continence services and Hospital Based Complex Care, as well as the opportunity to gain experience in Movement disorders. This training programme also provides extensive opportunity to gain experience in the expanding field of Community Geriatrics, with developing links with Primary Care being a focus within the departments.

For Aberdeen, the acute geriatric medicine service is located in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.  Rehabilitation services are based at Rosewell House & Woodend Hospital for Aberdeen City, and in various community hospitals for Aberdeenshire. For Elgin, the acute geriatric medicine and rehabilitation service is located in Dr Gray’s Hospital as well as rehabilitation and intermediate care in various community hospitals for Morayshire. Aberdeenshire. For Inverness, the acute geriatric medicine service is located in Raigmore Hospital, with rehabilitation services based at Royal Northern Infirmary (RNI) and in various community hospitals around the Highlands.  

Our training programme provides a comprehensive level of exposure to all areas within the curriculum, and also the opportunity and encouragement to develop relevant special interests within Geriatric Medicine and towards one of the five chosen themes for service (Orthogeriatrics, Continence, Community Geriatrics, Movement disorders or Stroke). Rotations between consultant teams are agreed as part of the rota, such that all trainees are able to experience and gain from the variety of consultant practice and subspecialty skills within the departments.

There is an exciting programme of departmental and hospital educational meetings / grand rounds / X-ray meetings and supportive library and study facilities. Within the registrars’ weekly clinical routine, taking time away from the ward for study, research and audit/quality improvement is also encouraged. The department has close involvement with the University of Aberdeen, supporting undergraduate teaching at all levels. A registrar specific monthly teaching programme supports the specialty curriculum and the educational requirements of the Specialty Certificate exam.

Informal enquiries about our programme are always welcomed and should be directed to the Training Programme Director in the first instance.

Research, audit, teaching and management opportunities

Trainees have specific support and opportunity to demonstrate their research and audit or quality improvement skills, and there is an excellent track record of successful small grants, presentations and publications. With regard to CPD there are dedicated monthly teaching sessions, as well as much other high quality internal and external study leave opportunities within Grampian.  Participating in undergraduate teaching in formal and informal opportunities is encouraged, and the structured feedback offered further develops the trainee's confidence and performance.

There is an exciting programme of departmental and hospital educational meetings / grand rounds / X-ray meetings and supportive library and study facilities. Within the registrars’ weekly clinical routine, taking time away from the ward for study, research and audit/quality improvement is also encouraged. The department has close involvement with the University of Aberdeen, supporting undergraduate teaching at all levels. A registrar specific monthly teaching programme supports the specialty curriculum and the educational requirements of the Specialty Certificate exam.

The department has an active multidisciplinary Quality Improvement Group, and trainees are encouraged to be involved.  The QI group has been locally and nationally recognised as model of good practice (finalists for ‘team of the year’ in the NHSG GRAFTAS awards in 2015; and highlighted in Care of Older People in Acute Hospital report 2014). Focus previously has been on areas such as Falls, Immobility, Delirium, Person-centred Care, MDT working and Staff experience.

In terms of management opportunities, registrars are routinely involved in the weekly senior staff meeting, where service and management issues are discussed.  Registrar representatives also attend the regular specialty training committee meetings, to provide feedback on the training scheme.  The department also encourages senior trainees to have involvement in additional service planning meetings, for further management experience.

The key markers for success of this programme are that all trainees have completed their training successfully and progressed to excellent consultant appointments. They have universally enjoyed the programme and commend both the Deanery and Departments to any future potential applicant. In addition all trainees have successfully presented and published and some have progressed to higher postgraduate qualifications.

Where is the training delivered?
Training is delivered across:

Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, Dr Grays Hospital, Elgin

Training is delivered across 3 main centres Aberdeen, Inverness and Elgin:

Aberdeen  - Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Woodend Hospital, Rosewell House (Rehabilitation and intermediate care)

 Inverness -  Raigmore Hospital

 Elgin - Dr Gray’s Hospital.


Contacts and Useful Links
Programme Type Deanery based or National: Deanery
Administration office West of Scotland
Lead Dean / Director Professor Adam Hill
Responsible Associate Postgraduate Dean or Assistant Director (GP) Dr Marion Slater
Specialty or Sub-specialty Specialty or Sub-specialty: Specialty
Date of GMC recent approval August 2010
Associated Royal College - Faculty
Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (web site)
Curriculum and Associated Assessment System
Programme Administrator: Named Programme Administrator: Sarah McNeil
Address: NHS Education for Scotland, West of Scotland Region 2 Central Quay 89 Hydepark Street Glasgow G3 8BW
Programme Director Programme Director Name: Catherine Butchart
Tel: Tel:(01224) 556055
Quality of Training Quality Management

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