Speciality: Rheumatology
Rheumatology training is provided in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (ARI) on the Foresterhill site of Aberdeen. There are five NHS rheumatologists, one professor of Rheumatology/Translational Medicine and one Senior Clinical lecturer. Subspecialty clinics include connective tissue disease, vasculitis, metabolic bone disease and DXA service, ankylosing spondylitis, paediatric and adolescent rheumatology, flare clinics, joint injection clinics, and musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSKU) lists. The department has three ultrasound scanners and monthly ultrasound lists are provided by a consultant rheumatologist, one senior trainee and a senior band 7 physiotherapist. The consultant delivering ultrasound service is a level II European certified sonographer (EFSUMB), and tutor/examiner of MSKU with SRUG (Scottish Rheumatology Ultrasound Group). There is a Nurse-led early arthritis clinic with access to all rheumatology AHPs. Trainees undertake general rheumatology training with exposure to all subspecialty clinics (ultrasound is optional). Plans are underway for a one stop ultrasound clinic for patients with suspected inflammatory arthritis. Peripheral clinics in remote and rural areas are delivered monthly by consultants in Dr Grays Hospital in Elgin and The Balfour Hospital in Orkney. The department has a teleconference facility and facilities to run virtual consultations. Nurse-led Biologics review clinics are in place. The department has a busy day case unit for biologic therapies and IV Zoledronate infusions. The Rheumatology Multidisciplinary Team includes 2 Physiotherapists, 2 Occupational Therapists, a highly specialist podiatrist and part time Clinical Psychologist. Trainees are involved in looking after rheumatology inpatients at Ward 110 in the Emergency Care Centre and ward referrals from other parts of the hospital. They also look after patients attending the day case unit if there is a clinical need and provide an office hours’ rheumatology on call service. There is daily rota for consultant cover within the department. The program is a 4 year training in Rheumatology and GIM. Trainees will spend either one 12 month block or two 6 months blocks in GIM and either one month in-depth training or three months light training in GIM near the end of the 4 years to refresh GIM skills. Throughout the 4 years, the rheumatology trainee will contribute to the general medical on call rota as per the requirements of the new curriculum for level 1 medical specialties. Training is provided in Aberdeen, with optional training in DGH like Raigmore Hospital, Inverness and Dr Grays Hospital in Elgin. IMT2 trainees rotate to the department 4 monthly.
The University of Aberdeen Medical and Dental Schools are located in the main Foresterhill site with close links to the NHS Department of Rheumatology. The Bone and Joint Research Programme in Aberdeen has been awarded a EULAR Centre of Excellence 2010-2015 and re-awarded the same for 2015-2020. There are opportunities for research for candidates who wish to have this as part of their career. The Department of Rheumatology takes an active part in teaching undergraduate medical students. Students rotate to the department on a weekly basis and attend outpatient clinics, biologics service and physiotherapy and occupational therapy suite. There are regular rheumatology tutorials in ARI and annual programme of rheumatology lectures and podcasts in the University of Aberdeen. North of Scotland Deanery is located on the main Foresterhill site.
Postgraduate teaching and CPD
Trainees attend the weekly postgraduate rheumatology seminar, monthly departmental radiology meetings, 6 monthly rheumatology-pathology conference, and are strongly encouraged to attend the weekly hospital medical meeting (grand round). In addition, trainees are encouraged/supported to attend at least 4 out of 6 national training activities per year including the Rheumatology Specialty Trainees days in Perth (x4 per year) and the trainee sessions at the Scottish Society for Rheumatology meetings (x2 per year).
Where the training is delivered
This programme involves placements in some or all of these Health Boards and hospitals:
Rheumatology - Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
GIM – Raigmore Hospital, Inverness or Dr Gray’s Hospital, Elgin
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
This programme involves placements in Rheumatology - Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
GIM training in – Raigmore Hospital, Inverness or Dr Gray’s Hospital, Elgin is optional
Programme Type | Deanery based or National: Deanery |
Administration office | West of Scotland |
Lead Dean / Director | Professor Adam Hill |
Responsible Associate Postgraduate Dean or Assistant Director (GP) | Dr Marion Slater |
Specialty or Sub-specialty | Specialty or Sub-specialty: Specialty |
Date of GMC recent approval | August 2010 |
Associated Royal College - Faculty |
Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (web site) |
Curriculum and Associated Assessment System | http://www.gmc-uk.org/education/rheumatology.asp |
Programme Administrator: |
Named Programme Administrator:
Victoria Hannah
Address: NHS Education for Scotland, West of Scotland Region 2 Central Quay 89 Hydepark Street Glasgow G3 8BW Tel: Email: victoria.hannah2@nhs.scot |
Programme Director |
Programme Director Name: Dr Hazem Youssef Address: Tel: Email: hazemyoussef@nhs.net |
Quality of Training | Quality Management |