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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

Speciality: Acute Care Common Stem - Emergency Medicine (ACCS-EM)

Programme Description
GMC Reference: SES/402

The programme duration is three years in total with the first two years coering generic ACCS training with the final year being focussed on the trainee's chosen specialty.

In ACCS, years one and two will consist of 6 month placements in each of the four specialties, Acute Medicine, Anaesthesia, Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care Medicine.  After this, trainees enter specialty training in their chosen specialty for a further year.

From 2010, in all three ACCS specialties, trainees become eligible to progress to intermediate training after the third year.  In Scotland, applications are made through a parent specialty (AM, EM or Anaesthesia) with appointments made by that specialty.  The chosen specialty for the third year of training is therefore determined from the outset.  Subjects to satisfactory performance in the first two years of Core Training, progress to year three is automatic.

Clinical placements in the first two years may be at any of the hospitals in Lothian or Fife with a balance between central and peripheral attachments being achieved in each of the individual rotations.  In most cases, placements are for six months in each of the four specialties.

Although all ACCS training is not regarded as equivalent, it should be noted that opportunities to move between the specialties after year two are limited and would require a trainee to apply for this in compeition with other applicants through the appointments process.

Research, audit, teaching and management opportunities

Core Training in ACCS in South East Scotland is particularly suited to doctors entering directly from Foundation training.  It provides experience of working in a variety of types of hospital, in and around a major city, across a range of specialties dealing with acute illness.  Requirements for complimentary specialty training in Acute Medicine are met for those who are considering training in Intensive Care Medicine via the Anaesthesia route.

Where is the training delivered?
Training is delivered across:

Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, 50 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SF, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, St Johns Hospital, Livingston, Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, Borders General Hospital, Melrose, Stirling Royal Infirmary, Stirling

Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (Acute Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine)

Western General Hospital, Edinburgh (Acute Medicine, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine)

St. John's Hospital, Livingston (Acute Medicine, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine)

Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy (Acute Medicine)

Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh (Year 3 Emergency Medicine)

Borders General Hospital, Melrose  (Year 3 Anaesthesia)

Stirling Royal Infirmary (Year 3 Anaesthesia)



Contacts and Useful Links
Programme Type Deanery based or National: Deanery
Administration office South-East of Scotland
Lead Dean / Director Professor Adam Hill
Responsible Associate Postgraduate Dean or Assistant Director (GP) Dr Graeme McAlpine
Specialty or Sub-specialty Specialty or Sub-specialty: Specialty
Date of GMC recent approval May 2010
Associated Royal College - Faculty
Royal College of Anaesthetists,Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board,Royal College of Emergercy Medicine (web site)
Curriculum and Associated Assessment System
Programme Administrator: Named Programme Administrator: Alan Summers
Address: NHS Education for Scotland Glasgow, G3 8BW
Programme Director Programme Director Name: Dr Gillian Pickering
Address: Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Quality of Training Quality Management

How to Apply

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