Speciality: Forensic Psychiatry
The Scottish Forensic Psychiatry Training Programme prides itself on providing exceptionally high quality training whilst also being friendly, supportive and family-friendly. Our trainees include some of the most capable high achievers from across the UK and our trainers work hard to ensure that everyone on the programme fulfils their potential.
The programme is operated at a national level; however our specialty trainees are appointed to work primarily within one of the four regional hubs (Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Perth). This allows specialty trainees to settle in a specific area whilst still having easy access to training opportunities across the entire country.
Each of the regional hubs has a Local Programme Lead / Educational Supervisor. On appointment to the programme, specialty trainees will meet with this supervisor and plan their training programme, tailored to their training needs, career goals and personal circumstances.
The training programme lasts three years (whole time equivalent). The majority of placements will be spent in medium and low secure units and forensic community mental health teams within the regional hub. Scotland has excellent access to high secure placements at the State Hospital, Carstairs, where most specialty trainees choose to spend six months of the programme. In addition specialty trainees have excellent opportunities to develop expertise in prison psychiatry, and have the opportunity to develop essential skills in multiagency working through participating in MAPPA processes and court/police liaison work. A particular strength of the Scottish programme is the ready access to opportunities to develop trainees’ skills as an expert witness. Access to opportunities to prepare reports for courts is exceptional: our specialty trainees will typically prepare approximately 30-40 reports each year which exceeds that generally possible in other areas of the UK.
Our specialty trainees are given opportunities to gain additional experience in areas of particular interest or to cover more niche areas of the Curriculum; this is assisted through one session per week being allocated to trainees as a special interest session. Many specialty trainees have used this time to undertake placements with, for example, the Scottish Government Restricted Patients Team, the Mental Welfare Commission, and specialist/national services. Opportunities to develop psychotherapy skills are available both at a regional and national level. The School of Forensic Mental Health in Scotland provides a range of training courses including in the use of risk assessment tools.
The focus of the Scottish programme is, of course, on learning about forensic psychiatry as it applies in the Scottish context. We are aware that not everyone will remain in Scotland upon completing training. Should they wish, trainees are able to gain experience in other jurisdictions, particularly if they intend to work in other areas of the UK or beyond.
Clinical training is supported by the monthly national forensic psychiatry teaching which takes place normally at Rohallion Clinic, Perth. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, this is being delivered with a combination of virtual sessions using MS Teams and in-person sessions (and was one of the first in Scotland to recommence after the pandemic started). This well established programme is run by a small committee of specialty trainees chaired by the trainee representative, supported by the Training Programme Director. The programme attracts a range of speakers from a range of professional backgrounds from across Scotland, the UK and beyond. The teaching programme also provides specialty trainees with opportunities to present cases, research, QI and audit projects to their peers.
If you wish to find out more about training as a forensic psychiatrist in Scotland, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Dr Michelle McGlen, Training Programme Director. You may also find the Forensic Higher Trainee Handbook useful.
Each specialty trainee is able to spend one session each week engaging in activities to develop and use their research skills in line with the forensic psychiatry curriculum. There are a number of forensic psychiatrists across Scotland with links to the country’s many internationally acclaimed universities who can support specialty trainees in participating in a range of exciting research projects. Every year a number of our trainees publish journal articles and present posters at academic meetings.
Involvement in quality improvement and audit projects are an essential part of higher training in forensic psychiatry. Excellent opportunities are available across Scotland in this area.
Forensic psychiatry trainees have traditionally taken a central role in participating in and leading a range of teaching activities in Scotland. A wealth of opportunities to develop skills is available across the country in relation to teaching undergraduate and postgraduate doctors and other professionals.
Developing management and leadership skills is an essential aspect of training in forensic psychiatry. Numerous opportunities are available to learn skills through specific training courses (such as the Leadership and Management Programme provided by NHS Education for Scotland). Several forensic psychiatry specialty trainees have held regional, national and UK-wide leadership roles in recent years, such as the Royal College of Psychiatrists UK Forensic Trainee Representative. We have also had a number of trainees who have been successful in gaining the highly prestigious Scottish Clinical Leadership Fellowships.
Forth Valley Royal Hospital - FVRH, Murray Royal Hospital, Perth, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen, Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Stobhill Hospital, Glasgow, Leverndale Hospital, The State Hospital, Ayrshire Central Hospital
Training in medium security, low security, high security, community forensic psychiatry and prison placements is delivered as detailed below for each regional hub:
East of Scotland:
Based at Rohallion Clinic, Murray Royal Hospital, Perth. The Educational Supervisor is Dr David Walsh: david.walsh2@nhs.scot
Trainees based in the East of Scotland will rotate through placements in male medium security, low security and community forensic psychiatry based at Rohallion Clinic, Murray Royal Hospital, Perth hosted by NHS Tayside. Experience can also be gained within the local IPCU based at Carseview Centre, Dundee. Prison placements are available in HMP Perth, the national open prison facility at HMP Castle Huntly and the Bella Unit (female custodial unit) in Dundee. High secure placements are undertaken at the State Hospital, Carstairs.
North of Scotland:
Based at the Blair Unit, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen. The Educational Supervisor is Dr Daniel Bennett: daniel.bennett2@nhs.scot
In the North of Scotland higher trainees will rotate through placements with different consultants. They will cover acute and rehabilitation low secure forensic psychiatry placements as well as the forensic community integration unit. Experience can also be gained within the local IPCU. Trainees will contribute to local court liaison work and provide medicolegal reports. Prison placements are available at HMP & YOI Grampian which is located in Peterhead. There will also be involvement in the care of out of area patients. Medium secure placements are available at the Rohallion Clinic, Murray Royal Hospital Perth and High Secure placements at the State Hospital, Carstairs.
South-East Scotland:
Based at the Orchard Clinic, Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Edinburgh. The Educational Supervisor is Dr Christopher O'Shea: chris.o'shea@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Trainees in South-East Scotland will rotate through placements in medium security and community forensic psychiatry, both available at The Orchard Clinic, Royal Edinburgh Hospital, hosted by NHS Lothian. Placements in low security are available at Stratheden Hospital, NHS Fife or can be arranged in other locations across Scotland. Prison placements are available at HMP Edinburgh and HMP Addiewell. High Secure placements are undertaken at the State Hospital, Cartstairs.
West of Scotland:
Based at Rowanbank Clinic, Stobhill Hospital, Glasgow. The Educational Supervisor is Dr Brian Gillatt: brian.gillatt@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Placements in medium security including the National LD service are available at Rowanbank Clinic hosted by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. Placements in low security and community forensic psychiatry (including community forensic LD) are available in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, low secure and community placements are available in NHS Ayrshire & Arran, NHS Lanarkshire and NHS Forth Valley. Prison placements are available at HMP Barlinnie, HMP Kilmarnock, HMP Low Moss, HMP Greenock, HMP Shotts and HMYOI Polmont High Secure placements are undertaken at the State Hospital, Cartstairs.
High secure placements:
Training in high security is provided at Scotland's national high secure hospital, the State Hospital, Carstairs, Lanark.
The Educational Supervisor for the State Hospital is Dr Prathima Apurva: Prathima.Apurva2@nhs.scot
Programme Type | Deanery based or National: National |
Administration office | South-East of Scotland |
Lead Dean / Director | Dr Nitin Gambhir |
Responsible Associate Postgraduate Dean or Assistant Director (GP) | Dr Rekha Hegde |
Specialty or Sub-specialty | Specialty or Sub-specialty: Specialty |
Date of GMC recent approval | August 2010 |
Associated Royal College - Faculty |
Royal College of Psychiatrists (web site) |
Curriculum and Associated Assessment System | http://www.gmc-uk.org/education/postgraduate/forensic_psychiatry.asp |
Programme Administrator: |
Named Programme Administrator:
Lynda Service
Address: NHS Education for Scotland Forest Grove House Foresterhill Road Aberdeen AB25 2ZP Tel: Email: Lynda.Service@nhs.scot |
Programme Director |
Programme Director Name: Michelle McGlen Address: Rohallion Clinic Murray Royal Hospital Perth PH2 7BH Tel: 01738 562376 Email: michelle.mcglen@nhs.scot |
Quality of Training | Quality Management |