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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

Speciality: Nuclear Medicine

Programme Description
GMC Reference: WOS/438


Nuclear Medicine Physicians (NMPs) are trained in both diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of nuclear medicine. This post will provide dual training opportunity in Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Radiology for eligible Radionuclide Radiology (RNR) trainees.

Following successful appointment, RNR trainees will transfer from the Clinical Radiology (CR) programme to the Nuclear Medicine (NM) programme in order to complete final two years of training in NM curriculum (ST7 and 8). Training includes both diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of Nuclear Medicine and completion of the post graduate diploma in Nuclear Medicine which is the mandated knowledge based assessment. Dual training programme in ST7 and 8 will be Nuclear Medicine (80%) and Clinical Radiology (20%) in Glasgow. Subject to satisfactory progress judged against the GMC approved Nuclear Medicine curriculum, trainees will gain dual accreditation in both NM and CR.

Nuclear Medicine is the specialty responsible for the administration of unsealed radioactive substances for the purposes of diagnosis, therapy and research.  Nuclear Medicine trainees combine their skills as a physician with that of a physiological imager to solve diagnostic problems and where appropriate offer radionuclide therapy options for treatment.  Specialists in Nuclear Medicine have ultimate responsibility for Nuclear Medicine services and must hold the appropriate certificate from Health Ministers to administer radioactive substances.

This is an exciting time for the discipline of Nuclear Medicine.  The last 10 years have seen significant advances in technology allowing fusion of functional and anatomical images through such modalities as SPECT/CT, PET/CT and PET MR.  These developments coupled with the availability of new PET tracers and new radiopharmaceuticals for therapy in Nuclear Medicine (such as radium 223) have sparked a renewed interest in the field.  As a result the Nuclear Medicine specialty training curriculum underwent major revision in 2014 in order to provide specialty trainees with the skills required to report hybrid imaging studies, review diagnostic imaging studies including plain films, ultrasound and CT in patients undergoing radionuclide imaging, present and discuss a broad range of imaging data at multidisciplinary meetings and to participate in the therapy of Nuclear Medicine (now referred to as molecular radiotherapy). Trainees entering Nuclear Medicine from August 2015 will be required to undertake core level Clinical Radiology training and complete FRCR during the first 3 years of training.  In the latter 3 years trainees will undertake higher training in Nuclear Medicine and complete the specialty certificate examination which for the specialty of Nuclear Medicine is the Nuclear Medicine Post Graduate Diploma.  This 6 year training programme will enable trainees to apply for entry to the specialtist register in both Nuclear Medicine (CCT) and Clinical Radiology (CESR CP).  During the first 3 years trainees will spend the majority of their time in Radiology and contact with Nuclear Medicine will be achieved through mentorship.  In the final 3 years of the training programme trainees will spend the majority of their training in Nuclear Medicine but retain contact with Radiology to keep up their skills.  The final year of training will include the opportunity to take on a specialised field of study such as advanced Nuclear Medicine imaging techniques (examples here would include PET/CT, PET/MRI or Paediatric Nuclear Medicine), therapeutic Nuclear Medicine or Nuclear Medicine research.  Full details of the revised specialty training curriculum are available on

The West of Scotland offers the only Nuclear Medicine Training Programme in Scotland and successful completion of the training programme will allow trainees to apply for entry to the specialist register in Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Radiology.

Entry into Nuclear Medicine training is possible following successful completion of both a foundation programme and a core training programme.  There are 2 core training programmes for Nuclear Medicine training: Core Medical Training (CMT) and Acute Care Common Stem (Medicine) ACCS.  Evidence of core training is provided by successful completion of approved CMT (ST1 and ST2) or the provision of other evidence of achievement of Core Medical competencies.

In view of the multidisciplinary nature of Nuclear Medicine, the specialty is considered to be strengthened by inclusion of practitioners from a variety of clinical backgrounds.  Thus, this curriculum allows for entry into specialty training not only from a background in clinical medicine but also from Clinical Radiology and other specialties including surgery and Paediatrics (see new curriculum below).

The specialty of Nuclear Medicine remains a physician specialty and the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (JRCPTB) Nuclear Medicine curriculum was published in August 2010 to keep up to date with the new GMC standards, medical advances and changes in service and training, new competencies and new assessment methods.  Changes to the 2010 curriculum were approved by the GMC in August 2014 with a view to introduction in August 2015.

Radiology trainees completing subspecialty training in Radionuclide Radiology and have also completed 2 years general professional training, can apply to entre Nuclear Medicine training towards a CESR-CP in Nuclear Medicine.

This training programme will lead to dual CCT/CESR in Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Radiology subject to satisfactory progression. The Postgraduate Dean confirmed that this programme has the required educational and Dean’s approval. The Training Programme is open to those who may, either from the outset or subsequently, wish to train less than full time, subject to approval.

Further information on the Nuclear Medicine ST training programme in Scotland can be found at Scottish Medical Training | Specialty | Specialty Programmes | West |on the Scottish Medical Training website.

Important links:

Royal College of Radiologists (web site) for ST3-ST5 - 

JRCPTB (web site) for ST6-ST8 -

British Nuclear Medicine Society -




Research, audit, teaching and management opportunities

Opportunities for participation in research and quality managment will present throughout the 6 years of the training programme but especially within year 6 of Nuclear Medicine training. The MSc in Nuclear Medicine, which can be taken during year 6, is an opportunity for a trainee to undertake a research project.  Trainees are encouraged to attend and present at national and international meetings in Nuclear Medicine, either as poster or oral presentation, and to publish their research work.

Opportunities to attend and to participate in multidisciplinary meetings are encouraged throughout the training programme.  Opportunities to participate in management in Nuclear Medicine are encouraged particularly in the later years of training.


Where is the training delivered?
Training is delivered across:

Beatson (the) West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Glasgow, Gartnavel General, Glasgow, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, The Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow, The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow , Western Infirmary, Glasgow

Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Glasgow
Western Infirmary/Gartnavel General, Glasgow
West of Scotland PET-CT Centre, Glasgow
Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow

Contacts and Useful Links
Programme Type Deanery based or National: Deanery
Administration office North of Scotland
Lead Dean / Director Dr Marion Slater
Responsible Associate Postgraduate Dean or Assistant Director (GP) Dr Ralph Bouhaidar
Specialty or Sub-specialty Specialty or Sub-specialty: Specialty
Date of GMC recent approval August 2010
Associated Royal College - Faculty
Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board,Royal College of Radiologists (web site)
Curriculum and Associated Assessment System
Programme Administrator: Named Programme Administrator: Dianne Morrison
Programme Director Programme Director Name: Dr Sai Han
Address: Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Quality of Training Quality Management

How to Apply

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