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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

Speciality: Ophthalmology

Programme Description
GMC Reference: WOS/471

Ophthalmology is a surgical specialty. If you wish to enter ophthalmology you will need to have an aptitude for microsurgical skills. You should therefore already have good hand-eye co-ordination. Good binocular vision and stereopsis is considered to be an advantage for all ophthalmologists in surgical procedures, clinical assessment and in the interpretation of some investigations. You are strongly advised to seek an assessment from an optometrist or orthoptist who will be able to measure your visual acuity and stereovision.

You will have completed 2 years of foundation training, or equivalent, which need not have included a period of time in ophthalmology. You will be expected to show that you are committed to a career in ophthalmology by taking advantage of any opportunities that arise during foundation training. It is expected that you will have achieved the following during foundation training: You will be able to perform a general medical examination, which includes examination of the nervous system, neck, skin and joints. You will also be able to perform a basic developmental assessment of a child. You will be able to order and interpret biochemistry and haematology investigations, bone scan reports and urinalysis. You will be able to recognise when a patient is ill and provide emergency treatment, including basic life support until expert helps arrive.

You will have a good knowledge of general medicine and surgery, especially in those areas of direct relevance to ophthalmology. You will have adopted appropriate professional behaviours that include attitudes, ethics and responsibilities as a doctor. You will understand and follow the guidance for professional practice described in the GMC documents, Duties of a Doctor and Good Medical Practice. You will take responsibility for the implications of your own health on your professional practice.

If you have not undertaken foundation training you must be able to show that you have completed an equivalent training and have evidence that you have achieved the professional competences described above.

In addition to a certificate of satisfactory completion of foundation training you will be assessed in one or more of the following areas:

Binocular vision and stereopsis
Communication skills
Decision making skills
Critical appraisal skills
Basic surgical skills
Commitment to ophthalmology
Good medical practice

The West of Scotland training programme allows trainees the opportunity to work in a wide variety of hospitals encompassing both central teaching and district general. The pathology encountered reflects the immediate population of approximately 3,000,000.

Specialty information, training standards and requirements are governed by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Research, audit, teaching and management opportunities

The training programme covers a relatively large population - almost three million people live within its catchment area, and as such the intensity of pathology matches any other large urban area where the clinic volume and surgical range is similar, and is equivalent to any other major department in the UK. The West of Scotland hosts a full range of tertiary referral services of a national standard.

Research, audit and teaching are encouraged by the training departments. Trainees will have access to extensive library facilities, seminar rooms, and scientists employed in an electrodiagnostic department plus specialised ocular pathology and radiology, as they rotate through the programme over a seven year period.

Rotations are determined by the specialty competencies that have to be achieved each year, with widespread experience being offered both in central Teaching Hospitals and District General Hospitals. Greater choice is available near the end of the programme, when sub-specialty interests can be considered. Posts are flexible enough to allow trainers to adapt them according to trainee progress and capacity for clinical responsibility. Trainees can expect the full cooperation of their trainers in guiding their careers, with clinical exposure to both medical and surgical disciplines within Ophthalmology.

Rotations cover a wide range of locations including Southern General Hospital (including Institute of Neurological Sciences), Ayr Hospital, Monklands District General Hospital, and the Royal Hospital for Sick Children (Glasgow).

The training programme offers a specific Postgraduate Training Programme associated with University terms, and also individual tutorials from various specialists within the Programme at different hospital sites. This includes ocular pathology in the central Teaching Hospital.

GATE - the Glasgow Academic Training Environment - offers additional training opportunity for academic trainees from August 2012. GATE aims to foster academic development & training beyond academic FY, through Core Training / ST1 & 2 and across a broad range of specialties, to prepare trainees for subsequent application to competitive local and national research training programmes (eg MRC, Wellcome Trust, BHF etc). GATE provides academic mentorship to facilitate attainment of academic objectives that are additional to the requisite competencies required of Trainees.

Trainees who have been appointed to CT/ST programmes through SMT to start in August 2012 are eligible to apply to GATE. Appointment to GATE is in open competition, through interview, that takes place shortly after appointment to the programme. Further details are available from the Training Programme Director.

Where is the training delivered?
Training is delivered across:

University Hospital Ayr, University Hospital Crosshouse, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Gartnavel General, Glasgow, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, University Hospital Hairmyres, East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire, Inverclyde Royal Hospital, Greenock, University Hospital Monklands, Airdrie, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley , The Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow, The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow , Stobhill Hospital, Glasgow, New Victoria Hospital, Glasgow, Falkirk and District Royal Infrmary, Stirling Royal Infirmary, Stirling

West of Scotland – training in Glasgow hospitals with placements in Forth valley, Ayrshire, and Stirling; Gartnavel General Hospital
Stobhill Hospital
Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Southern General Hospital (including Institute of Neurological Sciences)
Victoria infirmary
Ayr Hospital
Crosshouse Hospital
Inverclyde Royal infirmary
Royal Alexandria Hospital, Paisley
Hairmyers Hospital
Yorkhill Hospital
Monklands Hospital
Law Hospital
Stirling Royal Infirmary
Falkirk Royal Infirmary

Contacts and Useful Links
Programme Type Deanery based or National: Deanery
Administration office West of Scotland
Lead Dean / Director Professor Adam Hill
Responsible Associate Postgraduate Dean or Assistant Director (GP) Mr Bryn Jones
Specialty or Sub-specialty Specialty or Sub-specialty: Specialty
Date of GMC recent approval August 2010
Associated Royal College - Faculty
Royal College of Ophthalmologists (web site)
Curriculum and Associated Assessment System
Programme Administrator: Named Programme Administrator: Claire Beharrie
Address: NHS Education for Scotland, 102 West Port, Edinburgh, EH3 9DN
Tel: 0131 656 3409
Programme Director Programme Director Name: Dr Vikas Chadha
Quality of Training Quality Management

How to Apply

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