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Speciality: Paediatrics

Programme Description
GMC Reference: WOS/SRT/490

The West of Scotland paediatric training programme offers excellent training opportunities in general paediatrics and virtually all paediatric subspecialties, both in regional centres as well as in large DGH units.

The typical individual rotation starts with two years based in Glasgow working in general paediatrics and level 3 neonatal units. The next three years ensure that all trainees obtain core middle-grade experience in General Paediatrics, Neonatal Medicine, Community Child Health and Paediatric Intensive Care. These posts are based in both tertiary and district general units.

The final 3 years is tailored to take into account the individual trainee’s future career plans. This may involve further DGH placements combined with tertiary subspecialty training in order to complete training in General Paediatrics with a subspecialty interest. Alternatively, it may involve dedicated subspecialty training in an RCPCH-approved subspecialty training programme. Recruitment to subspecialty training is through the RCPCH “grid” appointments process. The West of Scotland programme can deliver a broad range of subspecialty training and offers a number of grid programmes each year.

We currently have grid training programmes in all of the following subspecialties: Neonatology, Gastroenterology, Emergency Medicine, Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Nephrology, Endocrinology & Diabetes, Neurology, Oncology, Neurodisability, Rheumatology and Community Child Health. Subspecialty training in Neonatology, Respiratory Medicine, Gastroenterology and Rheumatology also involve rotational programmes within Scotland and in English centres where required. In addition level three General Paediatric trainees can undertake SPIN modules in all available subspecialities.


Research, audit, teaching and management opportunities

The programme offers a number of opportunities for academic trainees. There are Academic placements with an educational focus in support of the postgraduate certificate in child health. Recruits to these posts must have a substantive ST training post and usually also need to have completed MRCPCH.

New programme entrants at ST1 and ST2 level can apply for entry to the GATE programme (Glasgow Academic Training Environment). GATE aims to foster academic development & training beyond academic FY, through Core Training / ST1 & 2 and across a broad range of specialties, to prepare trainees for subsequent application to competitive local and national research training programmes (eg MRC, Wellcome Trust, BHF etc). GATE provides academic mentorship to facilitate attainment of academic objectives that are additional to the requisite competencies required of Trainees.

This programme is designed to help potential future academic trainees to develop their academic training alongside clinical training in the early years of the programme. GATE is intended to act a bridge between an academic foundation programme and a Clinical Lecturer post. However, applicants for the GATE programme are not required to have completed an academic foundation programme.

There are excellent opportunities for all trainees to undertake further study through the Postgraduate Certificate in Child Health awarded by Glasgow University. This course is mapped to the level two curriculum and is offered to all level 2 trainees. This can be followed by further modules to complete a Postgraduate Diploma or MSc.

The programme has a strong record of supporting out-of-programme opportunities. This can be to undertake research leading to a higher degree or to undertake training in overseas centres. Plans for out-of-programme time must fully involve the Training Programme Director and Deanery from the outset.

There are ample opportunities for teaching within the programme both within local units and as part of wider regional and national teaching days.

In addition , trainees will mentor undergraduate students during their RHC second on work.

Trainees have access to a wide range of local and national courses, relevant to their interests, within the study budget and mandatory resuscitation and child protection training is fully supported.

Where is the training delivered?
This programme involves placements in some or all of these Health Boards and hospitals:

University Hospital Crosshouse, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley , The Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow, The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow , Vale of Leven District General Hospital, Alexandria, University Hospital Wishaw

West of Scotland – placements in Glasgow & Clyde hospitals, Ayrshire & Arran, Dumfries and Lanarkshire

Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow
Southern General Maternity Unit, Glasgow
Princess Royal Maternity Unit, Glasgow
Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley Child Development Centres, Lanarkshire
Crosshouse Hospital Kilmarnock ACORN Child Development Centre, Vale of Leven Hospital
Wishaw General Hospital
Dumfries Royal Infirmary
Child Development Centres, Glasgow & Clyde HB
Child Development centres, Ayrshire & Arran HB
Child Development Centres, Lanarkshire
ACORN Child Development Centre, Vale of Leven Hospital

Contacts and Useful Links
Deanery sponsoring programme West of Scotland
Postgraduate Dean Professor Alan Denison
Responsible Associate - GP Director Dr Chris Lilley
Programme Type Deanery based or National: Deanery
Specialty or Sub-specialty: Specialty
Date of GMC recent approval August 2010
Associated Royal College - Faculty
'Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (web site)
Curriculum and Associated Assessment System
Deanery Administrative Contacts Name: Carol Leiper
Address: NHS Education for Scotland, Centre for Health Science, Inverness, IV2 3JH
Tel: 01463 255711
Programme Director Name: Dr Ihab Shaheen (TPD) or Dr Ben Smith (Deputy TPD)
Email: or
Quality of Training GMC Trainee Survey Information (2011)

How to Apply

This page was last updated on: 01.02.2021 at 12.42.