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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

Individual Placement Description
Placement Palliative Medicine
Year F2
Region East
Hospital(s) Cornhill Care Centre, Perth
Main Duties of Placement

Two Consultant ward rounds per week.

Speciality doctor and Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) ward rounds and patient reviews.

General ward tasks:

- Keeping TPARs up to date.

- Controlled drug prescriptions.

- Note-keeping and writing of EDDs/ discharge summaries to include accurate Advanced Care Planning documentation.

- Blood tests (ordering and taking) and cannulation.

Weekly MDT attendance.

Post-discharge follow up of patients attending Daycare setting – case review with senior medical team.

Opportunity to work alongside and review patients with the Community Macmillan Nurses and Hospital Palliative Care teams.

Typical Work Pattern

Monday – Friday 0900 – 18.30.

Learning Opportunities

Ward-based teaching from:

 - Consultants

 - Speciality Doctors / Registrars

 - ANPs


Weekly MDTs.

Business Meetings.

Journal Club.

Case presentations/ case discussions.

Audit meetings – involvement in local audit projects.

Medical student teaching.


Mandatory teaching.

Focus of teaching during attachment:

 - Accurate prescribing including controlled drug prescriptions and discharge medications.

 - Symptom control.

 - Effective communication with patient/relatives/professionals.

 - Advanced care planning and DNACPR.

 - End of life care management and prescribing.

Unique Selling Points

Direct/regular working with consultants.

Clinical decision making with senior overview and support.

Wide range of complex medical problems.

Ability to follow patient journey with post-discharge follow up and liaison with Community teams.

It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.

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