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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

This is a recruitment website and is not used to provide information for current trainees. Current Foundation trainees should visit the Scotland Deanery website for information about their training.

The South-East Region has 15 Foundation Programmes.  All rotations are indicative and subject to change. 

S12 is the Specialised  Foundation  Programme (SFP) and further information about Specialised Programmes can be found here.

The process below describes allocation to the Foundation Programme in the South-East region. 


F1 Allocation

If you are allocated to a Foundation Programme in the South-East you will be allocated to one Group (e.g. S01) for F1 and F2, however your initial Programme allocation (e.g. S01001) is for F1 only.

Part-way through F1 you will be given a list of options for F2 to rank in order of preference and your Foundation Programme Director (FPD) will allocate you to a rotation for your F2 training year.


F2 Allocation

Your F2 allocation will take into account your preferences and will ensure a broad range of different specialties are experienced, balancing both the individuals’ training needs and overall allocation of trainees within your Group.

Your F2 allocation will come from the same Group as your F1 allocation.

For your F2 posts, you are usually asked to submit your ranking preferences around October/November.

You will be given the list of individual F2 posts available within your Group to rank in order of preference. It is likely that you will be allocated one post from the top third of your preferences, one from the middle third and one from the lower third. The main variable determining post availability is the preferences of the other Foundation doctors in your group.

Your FPD will coordinate this allocation process within your Group. Your FPD will consider your preferences, while ensuring a broad range of different specialties are experienced.  

The F2 allocations are usually announced in February.

Over the two years of Foundation training in the South-East, all trainees will have a minimum of one post in Edinburgh and one post out with the city. 

A maximum of three surgical posts will be permitted over the two-year programme. Surgical posts include general surgery, urology, plastic surgery, otolaryngology, colorectal surgery, cardio-thoracic surgery, vascular surgery, paediatric surgery, trauma and orthopaedic surgery. Emergency medicine and obstetrics and gynaecology are not surgical posts.

No repeat posts are permitted e.g. Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Renal Medicine in F1 and F2.

Example: Duncan is allocated to Scotland as his Unit of Application. He ranks his Group preferences and is allocated to S01. He then ranks his Programme preferences and is allocated to S01001 for his F1 year. During F1, he is sent a list of options for F2. These options are still within S01. He ranks his preferences from 1 to 15 and is allocated an individually constructed programme (rotation) in Emergency medicine, general practice and general psychiatry for his F2 year.

For all enquiries regarding foundation training in Scotland please contact

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