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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

What the West Region SFP can offer you

In addition to clinical tuition and the teaching below, there will be opportunities to attend academic journal clubs with Glasgow Academic Training Environment trainees (GATE, CMT 1-2 and equivalent in other specialties).

In addition to foundation training, trainees will have additional training opportunities to either run locally or as part of the national SFP training sessions covering e.g. research methodology, ethics submission, good clinical practice for research and career advice.

SFP posts offer a unique opportunity to have mentoring by a senior clinical academic, to offer support aligned to the SFP career intentions. All SFP trainees are granted Honorary Clinical Fellow status with the University of Glasgow which allows access to University e-mail accounts, access to University of Glasgow library resources, and IT systems/support (e.g. statistical programmes).

Who Should Apply?

The aim of the programme is to encourage those individuals with an interest in research and teaching to pursue their goals. F1 will comprise three blocks, each of four months' duration, based at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital or at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. All blocks will be in medicine or surgery specialties, with some rotations offering a rotation in critical care medicine. 

F2 will also comprise of three blocks, each of four months’ duration, based at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Royal Hospital for Children Glasgow, Gartnavel General Hospital, Leverndale Hospital, Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre or in General Practice.

During F2, two sessions per week will be allocated for individual academic/research development. In addition to clinical and educational supervision, an academic mentor will also be allocated to oversee the post holder’s progress.

In addition to clinical tuition and the teaching below, there will be opportunities to attend academic journal clubs with Glasgow Academic Training Environment trainees (GATE, IMT 1-2 and equivalent in other specialties). Following completion of a specialised foundation programme, trainees may wish to continue their academic and clinical training in Glasgow and participate in the GATE programme.


The Glasgow Academic Training Environment (GATE) for Specialty Trainees (for post SFP opportunities)

The Glasgow Academic Training Environment (GATE) Programme, has been running since 2012 and admits a variable number of trainees per year. GATE is a joint undertaking between the University of Glasgow and the west region of NHS Education for Scotland (NES). GATE allows trainees to benefit from exposure to excellence in both the research environment and clinical training. The anticipation is that GATE trainees will apply for funded higher degrees (MD or PhD) and/or Clinical Lectureship posts.



For more information about the Specialised Foundation Programme, please contact one of the following:
