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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

What is Oriel?

Oriel is the UK-wide recruitment portal for eligible applicants applying for Foundation Training. The website can be found here.

What is a 'Group'? 

On Oriel the term ‘Group’ is used to refer to a set of Foundation programmes in a particular region of Scotland which provide Foundation Training; these may be in the East (Groups beginning with E), North (Groups beginning with N), South East (Groups beginning with S) or West (Groups beginning with W).

What is a 'Programme'? 

On Oriel the term 'Programme' is used to refer to an approved series of six 4-month posts (or three 4-month plus two 6-month posts) which make up a two-year foundation training programme. 

What is a Unit of Application (UoA)?

Scotland is one Unit of Application and consists of the four regions in Scotland.

Can I change details on my application form after I submit it?

Once an application has been submitted, the applicant is unable to withdraw or amend the application. Applicants can only amend their personal contact details, referee details and UoA preferences once they have submitted their application. Linked applicants cannot ammend their UoA preferences after the application window has closed or their link will be broken. Please see the Specialised Foundation Programme webpages for separate information regarding SFP applications.

Am I allocated to a one or two-year programme? 

All trainees allocated to the Scottish Foundation School are allocated to a two-year programme.

For the Foundation Programme, trainees in the North and West are allocated to a fixed two-year rotation. In the East and South East trainees are allocated to a fixed F1 rotation and their F2 allocation is decided through an allocation process which takes place part-way through the F1 year.

For the Specialised Foundation Programme (SFP), trainees in the East, North and West are allocated to a fixed two-year rotation. In the South East trainees are allocated to a fixed F1 rotation and their F2 allocation is decided through an allocation process which takes place part-way through the F1 year.

For Foundation Priority Programmes (FPP), trainees are allocated to a fixed two-year rotation.

Can I do either my F1 or my F2 training abroad if I accept a place in the Scottish Foundation School? 

The Scottish Foundation School does not support applications for Foundation training abroad, either in F1 or F2. This is due to the requirement to quality manage all programmes to GMC standards, which cannot be guaranteed abroad. 

What do I need to do if I have a fitness to practice declaration on my application?

Once you have been allocated, your Foundation School will contact you if they require any further information in regards to what you have declared on your application. Please include all relevant information on your Supporting Trainees Entering Practice (STEP) form also. 

Which hospitals in Scotland use paperless working?

Across the regions there is a mixed economy of electronic and paper systems with a varied mix of systems for patient notes, prescribing, admissions, ordering tests etc. No one area is all paper or all electronic. 

Can I download a list of specialites and locations?

Our webpages have search functionalty where you can look-up a location or specialty.
