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Scottish Medical Training

Scotland - the home of medical excellence

What process is used to match to Group and Programme?

Applicant Guidance for the 2-year Foundation Programme, available on the UKFPO website.


What is the matching process? 

The matching process is the process by which candidates are allocated to a Group and Programme. For further information and definitions of the terms Group and Programs select link.  


Could I fail to be matched to a Group or Programme? 

No, if allocated to Scotland you will be matched to a Group and a Programme. You must preference all groups and programmes.

NB It is important that you adhere to these strict deadlines including the dates of when receive information and when responses are required.

Any rankings and submissions after the published deadlines will not be honoured.


Is there an upgrade system for me to upgrade to a higher ranked Group or Programme if one becomes available?

No, there is no upgrade system for the Foundation Programme (FP) or Foundation Priority Programmes (FPP).


If I do not like where I am matched, is there any 'swap' system for me to change or can I have changes made to my programme? 

No, The Scottish Foundation School does not allow any 'swaps'.  

All of our programmes are balanced educationally and are monitored by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) as part of its quality management processes.  

Applicants should not be concerned if they do not secure exactly the Foundation Programme speciality of their choice. The placements in your Foundation Programme will not have a direct bearing on your progression to a specific specialty training programme. 

Foundation doctors should ensure that they can demonstrate commitment through other means, for example Tasters, arranging their own observations, meetings with consultants, courses and research. 


How do I find out about competition ratios?

The UKFPO has produced tables to show the competition ratios for the last four years here.

